Wednesday, January 16, 2013



It's midweek already and the days are blurring past at a very alarming, increasing rate. Cognitive or not, I say it's the fault of time acting up once again.

This week alone I have spent more hours on an instrument than I have in years, and I must say it took quite a substantial amount of resolve in me to put my uke down and let the day's trials and perplexities trail their way down the drain and out of my life for those short, lathered moments.

I'd say singing and strumming have proven to be great therapy for my frazzled mind and desolate heart, but I need to master the all elusive art of time management to make sure I have ample time for my obligations as a student. That hardly leaves me with any time to workout and due to my sheer exhaustion from everything else, I am forced to simply reside in that unnerving knowledge and try not to let it eat away at whatever positivity that remains inside.

Just 2 more days to the weekend, now.

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