Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I am so frustrated I could bloody explode.
I've been trying for hours to change my blogger template but I can't seem to get my HTML code so I am giving up. I came back from a run not long ago and despite my in-ears failing on me halfway through I am feeling slightly better about myself, I've never actually ran at night but after today I just might more often. Stillness, almost non-existent traffic.. so I don't have to sidestep twigs and branches and the occasional dead squirrel on too-narrow pavements. I even chanced upon a dead rat the other day, crikey.

My mum turns 51 today :)

Happy Birthday Mum.
I can never find the words to describe this relationship we share but know that it's the one thing I am most thankful for, and certain about in my life.

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