Sunday, March 10, 2013

Take my life

I should've known better than to have cooked up an excuse only to kickstart a chain of ailments I cannot handle, not this period, not this body. "Please excuse my daughter, Tricia Rhonda Tan Hui Ting, from school on 6/3/13 because she was down with a slight fever." and then bam, 39.2. My immune system hasn't taken a beating like this in a long while, and this has to happen the year I actually eat greens on a daily basis.

I've already let this round of testing slip because unless the sick warrant extra mercy from above, my grades are soapy dishwater running down the sink.

As this virus is eating away at my productivity and energy I hope that it is eating away at my fats with the same ferocity. I'm almost 18 and still unable to muster enough courage to wear a bikini.

My attempts at conquering econs have been valiant but futile since last night and this is me admitting defeat. Sleep is calling.

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