Tuesday, March 19, 2013


It just occured to me, while gazing at my ceiling through sleep-stung eyes on a sleep-in kinda morning, that I hardly flood this space with pictures and talk about what I did in the day. Maybe it is the manifestation of a me that sees no point in talking about the many meandering adventures because should people care, I'm not sure. And I also remember how I intended for this to be a food/personal blog but alas, it morphed into white blank virtual paper, often subjected to semi-depressed semi-angsty lashings in generous portions.

So I'm thinking maybe I should write about the bowling trip I just came back from a day ago. 
Okay, I have no idea how to go about this I guess it's just not my thing, but I thoroughly enjoyed this bonding/training trip more than I had ever thought I would. I love the feeling when things surprise you so wonderfully, there's always joy in the unexpected, I suppose. It's one thing to pepper introductions and reflections with hopes for team bonding and unity and what not but it's a whole other to actually act upon those claims. Consider it some walk the talk this time.

I've been struggling to grasp my fashion identity these few days, I honestly can't find a better word so pardon my absurdity in using a term like fashion identity. I blame it on too many days cooped up at home reading rows and rows of science text. And lots of numbers. How detrimental is that for one's fashion morale? Terrible. I'm the kind of person who constantly gets inspired by people I steal glances at, staring too long at their oxfords or graphic top or blazer as they saunter pass with the kind of gait only the effortlessly stylish can manage. Deprive me of that and you get a half naked, mad wreck clambering at clothes and ending up being ridiculously late.

My punctuality, I swear. I apologise to all if not everybody who's been victim to the vicious cycle that is arrive 30min later than meeting time -> drown in remorse and vow to be early subsequently -> up and prepared >1.5 hours earlier than meeting time -> overestimate my time and do stupid shit like tweeze or epilate -> arrive 30 min later than meeting time -> drown in..

Going to meet my burmese in a bit for some Nakhon followed by the old movie marathon on my Mac with pizza and cold sheets we always talked about in the past.

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