I think I might be depressed. Or terminally chill.
At this point I feel completely unattractive; every step feels like the earth is quaking underneath my cankles and I can almost feel everything wobble as I walk. I am basically, my favourite term; a colossal hippo. I am also breaking out and falling apart with zero motivation for anything. So yeah most people would call this a quarter life crisis or the first stages of depression. Most people being me and the two that follow being an over-exaggeration on my part. But seriously.
Have I mentioned that I have gone off shopping? Sounds like how you'd describe kicking a drug addiction but it is just as well because I swear my condition might require some rehab. I never tire of shopping but it holds no appeal for me anymore.
I've turned off all the lights except for the paper lanterns weaved into my bedframe, sprawled on my bed in damp clothing as a result of the heavy downpour earlier, but idgaf and yolo. Christ, what is happening to me?
This is where I attempt to make myself feel better by watching a movie only to close the window after 3 minutes and do the same thing for the subsequent movies until I find myself lying on my back staring at the ceiling, wondering how I got here and when the day will come that I meet someone that will explain why nothing has been working out for me in this department in the last 4 months.
A three-dimensional earthly existence that will probably get a fragment of my soul.
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